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Replication Data and Appendices

Data, Replication Data, Etc.

This project began as Lauren Hunt's senior honors thesis. Under Jennifer Jensen's supervision, she created a survey designed to investigate the ways in which attending college in the state capital might influence political science undergraduate majors. Using, she surveyed political science undergraduates at two universities in the same state. Following Lauren's graduation, Jennifer Jensen added two more universities to the sample, enhanced the statistical analysis, and reworked the manuscript.

We have posted the replication data (in Stata format) to accompany the PS article. We have also posted the survey instrument in MS Word format. (Please remember that the survey was conducted on the Internet, and the formatting in the Word version has some glitches.) In addition to replication, this survey can be used as an exercise in introductory research design courses. ("How would you improve this survey?") It also has consent information that can be used as a template for projects that must comply with human subjects informed consent requirements. Because we are curious to know who is using the data and the survey, we would like you to drop us an email if you do so.

  • If you are looking for replication data that I haven’t posted, please contact me directly. At some point I'll get it posted.

Appendices, Etc.

Here is the appendix for the descriptive statistics. This appendix does not appear in the print issue.